Vocational Training
The special child grows into an adult just like a normal child. Unless he can feel useful and be gainfully employed and earn his own living, his dignity will be bruised and his mental and emotional well-being would be threatened. The Vocational training centre was started for intellectually challenged adults over 18 years of age. The self reliant individuals groomed from Spandan are assisted in job placements so that they make a mark for themselves in society and are appropriately rewarded for their work.

The Focus

Adults are taught skills and courage to venture into the outside world, learn to communicate and be understood inspite of speech problems, write their name, count, and carry out daily acts of living.
All adults in the children are trained to make the following:
Office Files
Paper Bags
The products created are sold to institutions, visitors to the centre and the community through exhibitions. The proceeds are distributed amongst the adults of the centre. The main focus of the centre is to provide steady, life-long employment to a larger number of special adults.

Increased sense of pride due to earning ability
Lower dependency on family
Strong relationships with peers at work
Overall higher happiness quotient
Highlights: Many Spandan’s students have been gainfully employed in different companies and as per the survey done by us recently; they are working at par or even better than their normal IQ colleagues.
Two of the students have been working in our school itself, one as an office boy and other one as helper in the school bus.