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Spandan Therapy Centres

Physiotherapy Centre


At Spandan, through physical therapy, children become part of a comprehensive treatment program to maximize flexibility, strength, coordination and range of motion,

to achieve the greatest possible functional mobility.


The treatment approach attempts to facilitate the normal stage and process in the development of movement i.e. Sitting, Standing, walking. The therapists are aided with parents for young children and parents are given guidelines for preventing further deformities and minimizing the effect of disability

Speech-Language and Communication Therapy


Communication is highly important in enhancing the development of children and paving the way towards, their independence. At Spandan, the Speech and Communication Therapy program focuses and helps the child realize his/her maximum communicative ability.


Oral motor exercises, face massages, verbal and visual stimulation are administered to increase receptive and expressive language.

Non-Verbal Children are trained in Communication through other methods like gestures, picture exchange cards.

Occupational Therapy Centre


The Occupational therapy provided at Spandan helps kids in improving their cognitive, motor skills, eye-hand co-ordination, fine motor skills, day to day activities and in turn help them become as independent as possible.


Occupational Therapy also evaluates a child’s need for specialized equipment like dressing devices, splints, wheel chairs and bathing equipments.


Occupational therapy’s role is to support the educational program by helping to maximize each student’s level of functioning within the classroom, at home and/or out in the community. The therapists also work with kids having sensory and attention issues to improve focus and social skills.

Centre for Activities of Daily Living (ADL)


As the name suggests this therapy focuses on the day to day activities of an individual. ADL is one of the therapies/training that is the core focus in Spandan as these activities are imperative to make a child independent.


Simple tasks like brushing teeth, combing, removing and wearing shoes with or without shoelaces, removing or wearing clothes with different types of buttons or zippers, etc are multitudes of complexities for a Special Brain.

Spandan's focus is to make each child as independent in all these tasks as possible.


A specially assigned Occupational therapist makes use of special tools, models and ADL kits as well as task analysis and bifurcation method; and in coordination with their class teachers, trains the children and monitors their progress in each of these life skills.


Handholding of parents is done to give toilet training to the child at home if the child is physically independent; or incase of physically dependent or speech deprived children to give signals to parents when there is a need to use the bathrooM.

Sensory Integration Therapy


Spandan is well equipped with a separate Multi-Sensory Unit in the therapy department as well as small parts in the other sections of the school as well. It provides for multi-sensory therapy for tactile, visual, auditory, proprioceptive and vestibular sensations.
The therapy unit augments the therapeutic use of self-care work and play activities to increase the child’s ability to be independent to enhance development and prevent disability. Sensory Integration Therapy improves the child’s brain response. It helps to plan, coordinate and organize movements. It also has a positive effect on self-confidence and self-esteem.


This is especially important for children with Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Here in Spandan, the Sensory diet (a group of activities that are specifically scheduled into a child's day to assist with attention, arousal and adaptive responses) chart for each child is prepared by the therapist and followed by the teacher and parents. The activities are chosen for that child's needs based on sensory integration theory.

Psychological Testing and Counseling Center


Each child after the initial process of admission is sent to the in house RCI registered psychologist for IQ testing. According to the reports of the psychologist, it is decided which class would be best suited for the child and the whole educational plan is decided according to that.


Tests of all students below 18 years of age are done periodically and the reports are taken into consideration while preparing their IEPs, in transitioning from one class to another as well as in deciding their training pattern.


The parents are given counselling at each and every step, initially by the admission coordinators, then teachers and ultimately by the psychologist if and when needed.

Handholding of parents is done to modify and rectify problematic behavior of the children.

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